Balkan peninsula - vertaling naar spaans
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Balkan peninsula - vertaling naar spaans

Balkan peninsula; Balkan Peninsula; Balkan Penninsula; Balkan penninsula; Balkan; The Balkans; Historical regions of the Balkans; List of historical regions of the Balkan Peninsula; Western Balkans; Balkan countries; Peninsula of Haemus; Balkan states; Balkan Pennisula; Haemus Peninsula; Balcans; Balkins; Balkanoid; Demographics of the Balkans; Demography of the Balkans; Balkan States; Balkans peninsula; Balkans Peninsula; Balkan cities over 200,000 people; South Balkan area; Historical regions of the Balkan Peninsula; Central Balkans; Balkan peoples; Balkanic Europe; Balkanic; Western Balkan; Western Balkan region; East Balkan; List of Balkan countries; Religion in the Balkans; Balkan people; Ethnic groups in the Balkans; Natural resources of the Balkans; Politcs of the Balkans
  • Approximate distribution of religions in [[Albania]]
  • Apollonia]] ruins near [[Fier]], Albania
  • Map showing religious denominations
  • observers}}
  • Dinaric Mountains]].
  • The Balkans in 850 AD
  • Modern political history of the Balkans from 1796 onwards
  • [[Belgrade]] is a major [[industrial city]] and the capital of Serbia.
  • 45px
  • 45px
  • 45px
  • 45px
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  • [[Dubrovnik]] in Croatia, a UNESCO [[World Heritage Site]] since 1979
  • Ethnic map of the Balkans (1880)
  • Felix Romuliana Imperial Palace]], a UNESCO [[World Heritage Site]]
  • State entities on the former territory of [[Yugoslavia]], 2008
  • Bulgarian coast]].
  • Eastern Orthodox]] cathedral, later a mosque, then a museum, and now both a mosque and a museum
  • [[Lake Skadar]] is the [[largest lake]] in the Balkans and [[Southern Europe]].
  • The [[Jireček Line]]
  • View toward [[Rila]], the highest mountain of the Balkans and [[Southeast Europe]] (2,925 m).
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site]] since 2005.
  • primeval forest]] in the Balkans, and one of the last remaining in Europe.
  • World Heritage Site]] by UNESCO in 1980.
  • Tourism]] is an important part of the [[Greek economy]].
  • Tourism]] is a rapidly growing sector of the [[Slovenian economy]].
  • observers}}
  • supporting partners}}
  • [[Southeast European Cooperation Process]] (SEECP) member states
  • Montenegrin economy.]]
  • [[Pula Arena]], the only remaining Roman amphitheatre to have four side towers and with all three Roman architectural orders entirely preserved.
  • Botev]] at a height of 2,376 m.
  • Vlach]] shepherds in the past
  • Bulgarian Empire]] – [[Veliko Tarnovo]]
  • Western Balkan countries – [[Albania]], [[Bosnia and Herzegovina]], [[Croatia]], [[Kosovo]], [[Montenegro]], [[North Macedonia]], and [[Serbia]]. Croatia (yellow) joined the EU in 2013.

Balkan peninsula         
n. península de los Balcanes
(adj.) = balcánico
Ex: The article is entitled "A Balkan journey: an outreach exploration to Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia".
* Balkan region, the = balcanes, los
* Balkans, the = balcanes, los; países balcánicos, los
balkan states         
n. estados balcánicos, países en la península de los Balcanes; los Balcanes (países localizados sobre la península de los Balcanes: Yugoslavia, Serbia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Grecia y la parte europea de Turquía)


península (del lat. "paeninsula") f. *Territorio rodeado de agua en casi todo su contorno, que queda unido sólo por una parte estrecha a otra extensión de tierra mayor. Penisla, peñíscola, quersoneso.



The Balkans ( BAWL-kənz), also known as the Balkan Peninsula, is a geographical area in southeastern Europe with various geographical and historical definitions. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch throughout the whole of Bulgaria. The Balkan Peninsula is bordered by the Adriatic Sea in the northwest, the Ionian Sea in the southwest, the Aegean Sea in the south, the Turkish straits in the east, and the Black Sea in the northeast. The northern border of the peninsula is variously defined. The highest point of the Balkans is Musala, 2,925 metres (9,596 ft), in the Rila mountain range, Bulgaria.

The concept of the Balkan Peninsula was created by the German geographer August Zeune in 1808, who mistakenly considered the Balkan Mountains the dominant mountain system of Southeast Europe spanning from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea. The term Balkan Peninsula was a synonym for Rumelia in the 19th century, the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire. It had a geopolitical rather than a geographical definition, which was further promoted during the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the early 20th century. The definition of the Balkan Peninsula's natural borders does not coincide with the technical definition of a peninsula; hence modern geographers reject the idea of a Balkan Peninsula, while historical scholars usually discuss the Balkans as a region. The term has acquired a stigmatized and pejorative meaning related to the process of Balkanization. The alternative term used for the region is Southeast Europe.

The borders of the Balkans are due to many contrasting definitions disputed. There exists no universal agreement on the region’s components. The term by most definitions fully encompasses Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, European Turkey, and a large part of Croatia and Serbia. Sometimes the term also includes Romania and southern parts of Slovenia. Italy, although by some definitions having a small part of its territory on the Peninsula, is generally excluded.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Balkan peninsula
1. Deforestation in Southeast Asia alters rainfall in China and the Balkan Peninsula most significantly.
2. The term balkanization comes from the name of the Balkan Peninsula, which was divided into several small nations in the early twentieth century.
3. They are believed to have originated in India though the largest population is now found on the Balkan peninsula, but particularly in Romania.
4. Similarly, deforesting lands in Central Africa affects precipitation in the upper and lower U.S Midwest, while deforestation in Southeast Asia was found to alter rainfall in China and the Balkan Peninsula.
5. The Albanian language, which is distinct from the tongues spoken by the neighboring nationalities, is particularly interesting as the only surviving representative of the so–called Thraco–Illyrian group of languages, which formed the primitive speech of the inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula.